Shopify VS Payhip VS SellFy VS GumRoad- Pricing Features Plans

Gumroad, Sellfy, Shopify and Payhip are four of the most popular e-commerce platforms out there. Check out the differences in their pricing and features in the two tables below-



Also check out this detailed comparison of PayHip VS SellFy’s pricing, plans and features.

What are Shopify, Gumroad, Sellfy and PayHip?

If you had just stumbled across this page and don’t know what the above are then read on. Shopify, Gumroad, Payhip and SellFy are e-commerce platforms that allow you to set up an online shop and sell your products. These companies allow you to sell both physical and digital products.

Shopify alternatives

When it comes to e-commerce Shopify is the most popular platform as of this writing. but does that mean it is the best? Well, it depends on your needs and wants and the type of products you are planning to sell. Shopify’s main focus is on physical products. although you can also sell ebooks using their platform. But for others like memberships, online courses etc. you’ll have to look elsewhere. That’s why in the above table I’ve added three Shopify alternatives and you can see the differences in pricing and features between the four of them.


Payhip was created in 2011 by abs Farah and currently consists of a team of 6 people. With Payhip you can sell physical products, digital goods, courses, memberships, coaching to your fanbase, followers or website visitors. you can integrate it into your website or use their own storefront.


SellFy was also created in 2011 and since then they have helped 60,000 creators earn over $100M in revenue. Besides digital and physical products you can also use their platform to sell subscriptions and print on demand goods.


Gumroad again was also created in 2011 by Sahil Lavingia who had previously worked as a designer at Pinterest. Gumroad lets you sell any kind of work you create, whether it be a book, blog post, membership courses, video lessons, physical products, etc. No matter what your audience or product, gumroad makes it easy for you to start selling asap.

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