Bigme teases Hi-Break e-ink Color & B/W Android Phones

I have exciting news for e-ink and e-reader users. It looks like someone has finally decided to pick up where Hisense left off and that company is Bigme. They just announced that they will be releasing a black and white and a color e-ink smartphone called Hi-Break at the end of May. They haven’t mentioned a date or given us the full specs of the phones but we do have some details about them.

The announcement was made on their blog with only a picture and on their youtube channel with a 10 second video showing us a sneak peek of the device. Not much information from Bigme itself. But Good e-reader has reported that the company told them that is not ready to disclose the full specs, but the devices will both be running Android (am guessing 13) with Google Play.

The color one will be using Kaleido 3, both of them will have cameras with flash and use USB-C. Prices are not yet confirmed but the release will be at the end of May while shipping will start at the end of June. Once released you can get them from the official Bigme store and you can use the code webtoolo for a generous discount.

I am really excited about these phones especially the colored one as it will be the first to use Kaleido 3. The latest e-ink color phone was the Hisense A7CC and it used Kaleido 2 so am eager to see how this one turns out. And with hi-sense exiting the e-ink market I am grateful another company is willing to fill the void that it left. What do you guys think? Will you be getting these phones once they release?

Video version-

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